25 March 2013

Guilt Free Banana Ice Cream

So I'm in the process of slimming down to my "normal" wait before Croix. Didn't get to off track still not what I am use to. Being an athlete all your life, gaining weight doesn't really make you feel like yourself. It has been going great so far, 15lbs and counting (Thank you, thank you, lol) One thing I love more then donuts is ice cream. So I found this recipe on making guilty free banana ice cream and decided to try it. Now everyone knows there is nothing like the reallllll thing baaabyyy baby, lol, but I was impressed with how it turned out. So here is what I did
Ice Cream Ingredients: 

2 frozen banana
1/2 cup of milk ( I used Almond Milk)
1 tsp of vanilla
1 cup of ice (this is optional but it does give it that frozen consistency)



Peal the frozen banana and cut into slices. To make it easier on your self run them over some hot water just to loosen the peal from the frozen banana. Put them in the blender with ice. Give the blender a few pulsed chops to break up the frozen banana chunks and ice. Then pour in the milk. Now don't get discouraged it takes a minute to get that ice cream consistency. Once you have gotten that creamy texture add your vanilla.

I jazzed up a half the batch with a table spoon of Coco powder to make a chocolate banana ice cream for Croix. :)


Take pictures of your creations and send to llovescinc@gmail.com and I will post them on my blog. Can't wait to see them :)

xoxo ;)

22 March 2013

My Little Future MVP!!! GO HEAT!!!!!!

We are Miami Heat Fans......(uh oh, here comes the HATERS!! Lol).......in honor of my boo Lebron James (LOVE YOU! Lol) stellar court performances and 24 game winning streak. I dedicate this video to the Miami Heat. GO HEAT!!!

Croix LOVES his basketball. It's the first thing he grabs when we walk in the door. He even tries to play with the big kids, lol. He doesn't care about getting hurt or pushed, all he wants is the BALL! That's my baby, just like his mama, born to play ;)

(Croix was about 9 months in these photos.)

08 March 2013

Announcing Croix's 2nd Birthday Theme.....

I'M SO EXCITED!!! Lol. Croix's birthday is in July (yes I know its March, lol) but I like to be prepared. His first birthday party was a Sesame Street Soiree in Chicago. This year it will be Croix & Friends in Maryland :) Can't wait to get started on the planning and designing. I have soooo many ideas in this big head of mine. I might periodically give you a few sneak peaks, teeehehehe :)